Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Links to files updated

I had previously hosted my files on AUGI, now that this is gone I have moved my files to dropbox, I have updated the original posts with new links and below are the links all together
Navisworks Revit Grid Family – see this post
Navisworks Search Sets xml file I never posted this to the blog before, only on AUGI. This can be imported into Navisworks to bring in predefined search sets that correlate with Revit categories, AutoCAD MEP, Tekla, AutoSprink, etc. I’m always adding to this as I get different files types. If you have more to add please let me know so we can add to this master file.
Revit Launcher – This is another utility I only posted on AUGI, see this post

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again, David, for providing this 3d Revit Grid Family for Navisworks Users. If any of you doing coordination haven't used it yet, give it a try. I can't imagine doing coordination without it.

    By the way, the link to the Revit Grid Family above is still incorrect. It takes you to a 'File Not Found' error.
    The correct path to the RFA file is:



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